CSR (Corporate Social responsibility)

“We believe in giving back to the society.”

Social responsibility is not just an initiative for us but it is a duty that we undertake as a part of our existence by fully committing ourselves to the preservation of the environment and betterment of the community. Beside building up a great empire for our company, we also make sure to contribute towards the upliftment of the society. We understand our responsibility on empowering through education, enhancing lives by providing useful services and contributing to our mother earth and the society that we stay in.

We firmly believe in the upliftment of the society by contributing towards the education of the needy which will help in the empowerment of the next future generation.

Till now, we have supported many tribal girls with their education by making donation to the Balvatika School in Dadra. Besides, we also contribute food and stationeries to the institutions of mentally challenged every year. We genuinely attempt to create a positive impact in the society by helping the less fortunate to develop and expand their skills and abilities.

“We firmly believe in helping our society by contributing towards the education of the needy which will help in the empowerment of the next future generation.”

1. Supported many tribal girls with their education by making donation to the Balvatika School in Dadra.

2. Contribution of food and stationeries to the institutions of mentally challenged every year and genuinely attempt to create a positive impact in the society by helping the less fortunate to develop and expand their skills and abilities.